



UNI612108 (KBI101)



A1 and B1



MJN Kelas Ganjil/ REGULER






Mudji Rachmat Ramelan S.E, MBA
Dr. Ayi Ahadiat, S.E, MBA.
Hj. Mahrinasari MS, SE., M.Sc,
Yuniarti Fihartini, SE., M.Si,
Zainnur M. Rusdi, SE., M.Sc.

Reading Materials

  1. Business Basics, David Grant and Robert McLarty, OXFORD 2009 (BB)
  2. Various Video in Business and Management.
  3. Course material posted over course website.

Course Description
This course will gives students the opportunity to develop the ability to understand English text in the field of economics and business, vocabulary enrichment, adding a mastery of the terms in the related fields as well as understanding the structure of English sentences.

  1. Understanding basic conversation in basic related to economic and business.
  2. Understanding articles / business-economic related reading material in English
  3. Communicate using English in the context of business-economics-related talks
  4. Being able to do the writing in English, in the context of business-economics related

Course Teaching Methods
Discussion, lecturing, listening using various enchantments methods of text audio and video
Class Schedule







Syllabi, Class Ethics, Teaching Activity Methods


(Unit 1 (You and Your Company))
People in Business

Talking about your company

Company Facts and Figures


Grammar: Present  simple of be, Present  simple of affirmative form
Vocabulary: Daily activities
Communication Skills: Introductions, Company Profile
Pronunciation: Alphabet
Grammar: Present simple questions and negatives
Vocabulary: Nationalities, Word families
Communication Skills: Giving basic personal information, Socializing, Describing leisure activities
Pronunciation: Word stress
Grammar: Present simple revision
Vocabulary: word families, large numbers
Communication Skills: Company organization, Presentation 1. Presenting a company
Pronunciation: weak forms of do and does

BB Unit 1 p.6


(Unit 2 Preparing a Trip)
Choosing a Hotel

Flying out


Grammar: There is / there are
Vocabulary: Hotel facilities and services, word chain
Communication Skills: Booking a hotel, making polite request
Pronunciation: contrasting sound /o/
Grammar: Saying the time, Distance and Frequency, How far / long / often?
Vocabulary: Plane Travel
Communication Skills: Reserving a flight
Pronunciation: cardinal numbers
Grammar: Countable and uncountable nouns, much and many , have and have got
Vocabulary: airport procedure, mind maps
Communication Skills: Making polite conversation, socializing



(Unit 3. Away on business)
Finding your way

Going Out


Eating Out

Presentation and discussion
Grammar: The imperative, Prepositions of locations and motion
Vocabulary: Maps and directions
Communication Skills: Giving directions, formal and informal letters, Advice to travelers
Pronunciation: Contrasting sounds /I/ and /i:/
Grammar: Like and would like, play / do / go+ -ing
Vocabulary: Free time activities
Communication Skills: Inviting, telephoning 1: Getting through making arrangements
Pronunciation: Linking sounds
Grammar: Countable and uncountable nouns
Vocabulary: Foods and restaurants
Communication Skills: Ordering in a restaurant and Recommending and suggesting




Group 1, Group 2, Group 3



(Unit 4. Visiting a Company) 
Meeting new people

Reporting on a trip


Describing Company Structure

Presentation and discussion
Grammar: Past simple: regular forms, Past simple of be
Vocabulary: Time Expressions
Communication Skills: Welcoming Visitors
Pronunciation: Weak forms of was and were, Final –ed in past simple
Grammar: Past simple: irregular forms
Vocabulary: Verb and noun collocations, itineraries
Communication Skills: Writing an e-mail of thanks, exchanging diary information
Grammar: Present simple revision
Vocabulary: Jobs, Company Structure
Communication Skills: Presentations 2: A tour of your company



QUIZ I Online


Group 4, Group 5, Group 7, Group 8



(Unit 5 New Development)
Current Activities

Company Development

Personal Developments

Presentation and discussion
Grammar: Present Continuous, Present Simple vs present continues
Vocabulary: Company Activities
Communication Skills:  Describing Company project
Pronunciation: Weak forms
Grammar: Present continuous vs. past simple 
Vocabulary: Time Describing Trends, Graphs and Charts
Communication Skills: Presentation 3: Referring to visual aids
Pronunciation: Word stress
Grammar: What is … like?
Vocabulary: Descriptive adjectives
Communication Skills: Exchanging personal news, talking about trip




Group 9, Group 10, Group 11, Group 12



(Unit 6 Arrangements)
Dates and schedules

Getting Connected


Arranging to meet

Presentation and discussion
Grammar: Present continues for future
Vocabulary: Speaking and writing dates
Communication Skills: Making arrangements
Pronunciation: Ordinal numbers
Grammar: Present continues for future revision
Vocabulary: telephony expression
Communication Skills: Telephoning 2: Taking and leaving messages
Pronunciation: Contractions
Grammar: Shall we… ?, I’m afraid …
Vocabulary: Time expressions, Appointments and meetings
Communication Skills: Making and changing appointments, Accepting and refusing, Confirming



Group 13, Group 14, Group 15


( Unit 7 Describing and comparing)
Comparison and Contrast

Describing products and services

Evaluating product

Presentation and discussion
Grammar: Comperative and superlative forms
Vocabulary: Descriptive adjective
Communication Skills: Comparing lifestyles and routines
Pronunciation: Weak forms using /ᵊ/
Grammar: Present simple passive, sequence linkers
Vocabulary: Customer service department
Communication Skills: Describing process
Grammar: How … is it?, It’s made of
Vocabulary: Dimension and specification
Communication Skills: Meetings: Exchanging opinions




Business Video  



Mid Semester



(Unit 8 Life Stories)
Success Stories
Making Money

Company History

Grammar: Past Simple Revision, Time Expressions, Past Passive
Vocabulary: Word Families
Communication Skills: Describing other people’ lives

Grammar: Past Tense Revision
Vocabulary: Financial Vocabulary, collocations
Communication Skills: Dealing with numbers
Prononciation: Numbers

Grammar: Past passive, Past active question forms
Vocabulary: company history, word building
Communication Skills: presenting the history of a company


(Unit 9 Dealing with Problems)
Making Decision
Thinking Ahead


Complaining and apologizing

Grammar: Will vs.  present continuous, Shall I …. ?
Vocabulary: Business conferences
Communication Skills:  Arranging a schedule, Allocating tasks
Pronunciation: Contraction in the future
Grammar: Will for predictions, First conditional sentences
Vocabulary: Advertising and Marketing
Communication Skills: Comparing product features, predicting future events
Pronunciation: Contraction of auxiliaries
Grammar: Will vs. Shall
Vocabulary: Customer problems and solutions
Communication Skills: Complaints and apologies, spoken and written complaints.


QUIZ 2 Online




(unit 10 People at work)
Suggesting and recommending
Responsibilities and Regulations

Checking and correcting Information

Grammar: Should + infinitive, how / what about + - ing?
Vocabulary: Managing small business
Communication Skills: Making suggestions , Giving Advice
 Grammar: Modals of obligation and permission
Vocabulary: Company regulations
Communication Skills: Describing advantages and disadvantages of jobs
Grammar: Can I ….?, Would it be possible …?
Vocabulary: Ordering and supplying goods
Communication Skills: Negotiates prices, clarifying information, Letter writing.
Pronunciation: Contrastive stress



(Unit 11 Getting a job)
Recruitment Process
Applying for Job

Staff Profiles

Grammar: Verb + - ing
Vocabulary: Personal qualities, Job advertisements
Communication Skills: Job Application Process, Talking about likes and dislikes
Grammar: Present perfect and past simple
Vocabulary: Curriculum Vitae, Covering letters
Communication Skills: Writing CV
Grammar: Present perfect and past simple, Finished and unfinished time
Vocabulary: Staff movements
Communication Skills: Expressing preference, Presenting facts and figures



(Unit 12 The World of work)
Changing Careers

Work Environments

Saying goodbye

Presentation and discussion
Grammar: Tense Review
Vocabulary: Employment
Communication Skills:  Job Hunting
Pronunciation: Word Stress
Grammar: Too and not enough
Vocabulary: Computers, Vocabulary recording techniques
Communication Skills: Describing working life
Grammar: Function Review
Vocabulary: Social and work situations
Communication Skills: Saying Goodbye




Presentation and discussion



Final Exam





Quiz 1 … Quiz n


Group Presentation


Mid Term


Final Exam


Total (+ Bonus)


Bonus point

Point given in the class for discussion and answering questions individual and group

Attendance list

Point consideration


  1. Books is a must, if you don’t have books, don’t bother to come to the class
  2. Attendance is done one by one student randomly
  3. Students are not allowed to enter the class where the session already started
  4. Presentation: Assessment includes a group appearance, professionalism, accuracy of content presentation, explanation, how to use Power Point preparation, presentation, frequently asked questions)
  5. Sanctions in the form of grade individual / group for all INDICATIONS dishonesty in task / test and create a commotion in the classroom.
  6. Quiz / ASSIGNMENT / PAPER / MID / HALF = not to be considered as retake exam / will be collected on time
  7. When the absence of teachers (due to illness / service) students working on the instructions contained in the course website.
  8. Any question regarding final grade, should using English language, any failure on meeting these requirement will resulting decrease of the grades.